Use "typify|typified|typifies|typifying" in a sentence

1. The names typify region.

2. Phyllis typifies suburban housewives.

3. He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

4. 6 The peacock typifies pride.

5. She typifies the bored housewife.

6. 3 He typifies the uncompromising reformer.

7. A spectrum of Cytological findings typifies aspirates of CP

8. Those five pages also typify his odd priorities.

9. Burke's arrogance seems to typify this government's approach.

10. Rather, speculation, conflicts, and theoretical extrapolation typify their every action.

11. Now a millionaire, he typifies the self-made man.

12. The shoe - shine boy who becomes a millionaire typifies the American Dream.

13. These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture.

14. Resinicium Parmasto is typified by Resinicium bicolor (Alb.

15. Tommie's footnote in Eighth Air Force history typified its spirit.

16. This single item will suffice to typify all the rest.

17. In this book we have tried to typify the main classes of verbs.

18. 7.5, it is typified by the type of Lecidea Alectoriae

19. He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life.

20. 9 He ruminated on the terrible wastage that typified American life.

21. A fatal overdose on Barbiturates is typified by difficulty breathing

22. The distinct grill cooking, typifies the health - consciousness , meticulousness and artistry of classic French food.

23. The mare basalts are denser than the rocks which typify the highlands.

24. The A horizon is also typified by a granular or fine

25. Reprised by Hadrian, the Augustan construction of 'classical' Greece helped to promote the archaism typifying Greek

26. Two recent cars typify the current state of the art with car faces.

27. The type of ownership of land and of urban accommodation is another factor which typifies urban poverty.

28. Antonyms for Antithesize include represent, symbolise, symbolize, embody, typify, characterise, characterize, demonstrate, epitomise and epitomize

29. He seems increasingly to distrust the idealistic visions of humanity that typify his early works.

30. However, Christian worship centered on the spiritual things typified by those physical “typical representations.”

31. New singers whose voices typify different feelings sing old songs again as their own rendition.

32. They are therefore difficult to mould into the tight curves that typify a mogul shape.

33. He typified a decade in which financial machinations stymied long-term corporate growth.

34. He thus typified the constant introspection wherewith he tortured, but could not purify himself.

35. With her cropped hair and and her mannish clothes, she typifies the sort of feminist often feared by men.

36. Large family holidays are all typified by Consuming mass quantities of food and alcohol

37. His latest book reflects the old preoccupations with sex and religion that typify much of his work.

38. The third act, the climax of the entire play, is typified by pathos and tragedy.

39. Active learning, doing real things, being real scientists, these things typify classroom and school communities that work.

40. Adumbrate — *suggest, shadow Analogous words: symbolize, typify, emblematize (see corresponding nouns at SYMBOL): signify, denote, *mean … New Dictionary of Synonyms

41. One finds there all typify of shops: tobacconist’s shop, grocer's shop, bakeries, butcher’s shop, and real estate agency.

42. This is not only normal, it is healthy and should typify any marriage or engagement regardless of age.

43. Adumbrate allude to, betoken, cloud, embody, foreshow, have an intimation, incarnate, mirror, personate, prognosticate, shadow, typify Definition v

44. The process of reproduction is still conspicuously missing from most discussions of economic affairs, as the following passage typifies.

45. At that time, the building could have been said to typify the dereliction of the whole London docks area.

46. We also recommend four good quality, value-for-money wines from Sainsbury's, which typify a particular style or region.

47. And there was the pervading atmosphere of blindness and complacency in Washington, typified by some leading congressional Republicans.

48. The archaeoBalanid is a new species of the new genus typified by Solidobalanus kellumi from the Trent Formation

49. It is a restlessness, a refusal to longterm relationships, that has typified both his public and private life.

50. Each stage in the life cycle of an Apicomplexan organism is typified by a cellular variety with …

51. 'Conversely, we can try and suppress beta activity in conditions like Parkinson's disease typified by slow movement.'

52. Though it need not contain actual battle, it is generally typified by heightened tempo and intensity of plot.

53. Perhaps the reason we respond so universally to our mothers’ love is because it typifies the love of our Savior.

54. A form of plastic movement typified by ripples (Corrugation) or an abrupt wave (shoving) across the pavement surface

55. We found differences in assemblage between sites, typified by reduced relative abundance of Phryganella Acropodia and Centropyxis aerophila in bird-modified soils.

56. 24 They always seem to live somewhere in the north as typified by this quotation from the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

57. TARSIER, the Anglicized form of the scientific name of a small and aberrant lemur-like animal, Tarsius spectrum, inhabiting the Malay Peninsula and islands, and typifying a family.

58. The site at Sa Huynh was discovered in 1909. Sa Huynh sites were rich in locally worked iron artefacts, typified by axes, swords, spearheads, knives and sickles. 

59. Acheulean definition is - of or relating to a Lower Paleolithic culture originating in Africa and typified by bifacial tools with round cutting edges.

60. Heb. 12 tallies Christ's work with the atonement ritual in the Levitical code. His blood was shed on earth, which the brazen altar typified.

61. Synonyms for Characterized by include of, with, marked by, distinguished by, typified by, based on, about, concerning, in reference to and in regard to

62. Metals such as copper typify Conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them.

63. The style in Algerian typifies the writing on signs in Spain and countries on the north coast of Africa, possibly reflecting the influence of Arabic calligraphers and signmakers.

64. Barcarolle, also spelled Barcarole, (from Italian barcarola, “boatman” or “gondolier”), originally a Venetian gondolier’s song typified by gently rocking rhythms in 6/8 or 12/8 time.

65. Barcarolle, also spelled barcarole, (from Italian barcarola, “boatman” or “gondolier”), originally a Venetian gondolier’s song typified by gently rocking rhythms in 6/8 or 12/8 time.

66. Affect theory is a theory that seeks to organize Affects, sometimes used interchangeably with emotions or subjectively experienced feelings, into discrete categories and to typify their physiological, social, interpersonal, and internalized manifestations

67. Cytomegalic inclusion disease is a multisystem virus disease which is typified pathologically by an inclusion-cointaining giant cell that appears predominantly in epithelial linings of visceral and cerebral epithelium

68. Anticyclones can occur in both winter and summer with varying effects, but both are typified by low wind speeds due to a weak pressure gradient and stable conditions with no clouds.

69. With this kind of activism, and community investment that typifies the black barbershop, of course the barbershop is a perfect place to talk about high blood pressure and other health concerns in the community.

70. Capacitance is typified by a parallel plate arrangement and is defined in terms of charge storage: A battery will transport charge from one plate to the other until the voltage produced by the charge buildup is equal to the battery voltage

71. The risen Christ, the Consoler Published on 11 Apr 2018 ‘Ignatius’s firm conviction was that, to this day, encounters with the risen Christ will similarly be typified by experiences of hope, joy and life, even amidst the darkest times’, says Iona Reid-Dalglish.

72. Circumlocution Office the type of a government department, satirized in Dickens's Little Dorrit (1857), in which the establishment is shown as run purely for the benefit of its incompetent and obstructive officials, typified by the Barnacle family

73. Birthwort family definition, the plant family Aristolochiaceae, typified by mostly tropical woody vines and herbaceous plants, having alternate, heart-shaped leaves and flowers lacking true petals but having three petallike sepals, and including the Birthwort, Dutchman's-pipe, and wild ginger

74. The Technology of Axonometry in 1960s Britain: Kenneth Frampton and Peter Eisenman Sally Farrah University of Western Australia Abstract The Bauhaus schoolÕs utilisation of both the model medium and axonometric projection in the early-twentieth century perhaps best typifies the historical links between technology, rationalisation, and representational techniques.

75. receptors rather than D¿2? receptors, these compounds are useful as antipsychotic agents efficacious not only against positive symptoms typified by hallucination and delusion characteristic to the acute stage of schizophrenia but also negative symptoms such as emotional torpidity, abulia and autism.

76. The goal of the project ET MICROBIALITES (Formation mechanisms of Early Triassic microbialites in the aftermath of the greatest mass extinction at the Permian-Triassic-Boundary) was to understand microbialite formation in periods of Earth’s history typified by changing environments and ecosystems.

77. Also Baroque Of, relating to, or characteristic of a style in art and architecture developed in Europe from the early 17th to mid-18th century, emphasizing dramatic, often strained effect and typified by bold, curving forms, elaborate ornamentation, and overall balance of disparate parts

78. (1 John 2:1, 2) As noted in the preceding article, Jesus’ sacrifice for spirit-begotten Christians was typified when Israel’s high priest sacrificed a bull as a sin offering for himself, his household, and the tribe of Levi on the annual Day of Atonement.

79. Intransitive verb US, informal : vomit Acute mountain sickness is typified by a headache that feels as if Thor himself is hammering your brain and by a strong desire to Barf. — Douglas Gantenbein In a pure Madonna moment, she sticks two fingers down her throat and pretends to Barf.

80. Arrogance is a range of mental dispositions to disregard the proper rights of others, typified by haughtiness, self-assumption, and habits of arrogating or assuming an authority or right to control, constrain or direct others, and acting in an overbearing manner with a proud contempt of others and their rights